About the Journal

The Lighthouse Journal of Literature & Linguistics is an annual, free access, multidisciplinary research journal that aims at publishing theoretical, analytical, and applied research in the areas of Literature & Linguistics. The journal provides a forum where researchers and scholars can disseminate, archive, and share their research work. In order to ensure the claims of the author and to provide a strong base of acceptance to the public across the globe, the journal offers a rigorous editorial and peer-review process. The journal seeks to provide a forum for interdisciplinary approaches and research traditions to scholars not only in Pakistan but also in all regions of the world. LJLL publishes papers from the following areas:

English Literature & Linguistics

Pashto Literature & Linguistics 

Urdu Literature & Linguistics 

Current Issue

Vol. 3 No. 1 (2024): The Lighthouse Journal of Literature & Linguistics
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The Lighthouse Journal of Literature & Linguistics is a print as well as an electronic research journal. Authors have the option to pay a publication fee (article publication charge APC) to publish their research article on a Gold Open Access (OA) basis under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license. Papers published on a Gold OA basis are freely available to everyone to read and re-use immediately upon publication, provided the terms and conditions of the license are followed and clear attribution to the author is given.