The Lighthouse Journal of Social Sciences <p><strong>HEC Recognized category "Y" Journal</strong></p> <p><strong>ISSN: 2959-1538</strong></p> <p>The Lighthouse Journal of Social Sciences is a bi-annual, multidisciplinary research journal that aims at publishing theoretical, analytical, and applied research in all areas of social sciences. The journal provides a forum where the researchers and scholars can disseminate, archive, and share their research work. In order to ensure the claims of the author and to provide a strong base of acceptance to the public across the globe, the journal offers a rigorous editorial and peer-review process. The journal seeks to provide a forum for interdisciplinary approaches and research traditions to scholars not only in Pakistan but also in all regions of the world. The journals accepts papers but not limited to the following areas:</p> <p><strong>Political Science, Pakistan Studies, Economics, History, Home Economics, Library Science, Sports/HPEs, Psychology, Management Scinces, Finance &amp; Accounting, Islamic Studies, Philosophy, Sociology, Arts and Design</strong></p> <p> </p> <p> </p> The Lighthouse Journal of Social Sciences (LJSS) is owned by the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Higher Education Academy of Research & Training (HEART) Peshawar, Pakistan, which is an attached department of Higher Education Department (HED) and run by Govt. of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. en-US The Lighthouse Journal of Social Sciences 2959-1538 Lost in Translation: Exploring the Semantic Derogation of Borrowed English Words in Pashto and Urdu Languages <p><em>Semantic Derogation is the process of the devaluation of meaning where words that carry either neutral or positively loaded meaning, get transformed and acquire totally negative associative meanings. This process happens many times with the passage of time in the history of each and every language. As Minju Kim (2008) says that this phenomenon is not limited to English language but is also experienced by a number of languages (p.149). This Paper aims to shed light on the semantic history of the borrowed words from English into Pashto and Urdu languages and have later undergone through the process of Semantic Derogation. This investigation is carried out by mixed methods approach. Structural interviews were conducted as per the demand of the subject matter of this research. The respondents were given questionnaires with close ended quarries. This analysis or research suggests that the female gender is targeted more severely than that of male gender through this phenomenon of semantic derogation. Besides, this process is in a way cyclic and dynamic in nature, which is experienced by each and every language at any particular stage of its history.</em></p> Wajahat Ullah Amir Hamza Copyright (c) 2024 The Lighthouse Journal of Social Sciences 2024-07-06 2024-07-06 3 1 130 145 Customer Involvement and Sustainable Product Innovations: The Role of Design Excellence and Technological Capability <p>The main goal of this research is to examine how customer involvement influences <br>firm ability to shape sustainable product innovation. The study measures the <br>effect of design excellence and firm technological capabilities on the development <br>of sustainable innovations with respect to customer involvement. Drawing the <br>theory of absorptive capacity in the context of innovation, we posit that high firm <br>absorptive capacity focuses largely on product-focused customer involvement <br>(PCI) and information-intensive customer involvement (ICI) practices, which <br>result in a large number of sustainable innovations. To test our hypotheses, we <br>collected data from 105 manufacturing/Services industries. A convenient, <br>purposive sampling technique was used for data collection. In order to examine <br>the relationship between PCI, ICI, Design Excellence, and Technological <br>capabilities, hypotheses were tested by using correlation and regression analysis. <br>According to the study findings, results indicate that customer involvement <br>positively affects sustainable product innovativeness and that such effects are <br>mediated by product design. In a further exploratory analysis, the study finds a <br>positive moderated role by one firm resource i.e. firm technological capability. <br>The primary limitation of the empirical review is the tiny size of the sample. <br>Second, this study focused on firm technological capabilities as a whole, <br>particular technology for a particular product may be considered for further <br>studies. The current study is unique in its kind, focusing on the link between PCI, <br>ICI, Design Excellence and Technological capabilities, within the specific context <br>of Pakistan. Moreover this study contributes to theory and practice by providing <br>understanding of sustainable innovation in the service and manufacturing <br>industries with the help of customer involvement.</p> Faisal Mahmood Imran Ullah Khan Marwat Sajid Amir Shah Copyright (c) 2024 The Lighthouse Journal of Social Sciences 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 3 1 146 160 Impact of Aggression and Perceived Stress on the Social Competence of Adolescent Girls with Living and Deceased Parents <p><em>Teenagers are an asset to every nation, and young women play a crucial part in the development of a nation's capabilities. This study revealed that an increase in aggression and perceived stress diminishes the social competence of adolescent females and that the parents' status (life/death) significantly affects their aggression level. This paper explored the relationship between adolescent girls' aggression, perceived stress, and social competence by explicating the impact of aggression and perceived stress on social competence. This study also revealed differences in mean test results based on parental status (alive or dead). The sample consisted of 230 girls between the ages of 12 and 18 years old. Utilizing a correlational study design and a purposive sampling technique, participants were provided with standardized measuring instruments. The statistical analysis revealed that aggression has a significant negative effect on the social competence of adolescent girls. Furthermore, the correlation analysis of aggression and perceived stress revealed a significant negative relationship with social competence and a significant positive association between aggression and perceived stress in the sample. The mean analysis elucidated substantial differences in the aggressiveness scores of teenage girls based on parental status (alive/deceased). This article would inform clinical psychologists, education counselors, psychologists, clinicians, family members, and educators about the possible causes of aggression, perceived stress, and poor social skills in teenagers, allowing them to design better interventions to improve their skills and personality.</em></p> Inayat Shah Kainat Zia Humaira Ali Naveeda Sarwar Copyright (c) 2024 The Lighthouse Journal of Social Sciences 2024-07-05 2024-07-05 3 1 1 11 Flights of Minds: Adhering to the Recent Migration of Educated Youth and Its Impact on Pakistan's Future <p>The phenomenon known as "brain drain," which refers to the departure of highly educated and talented individuals from developing countries like Pakistan, is a regrettable but unavoidable reality. A multitude of variables, both pull and push, contribute to the phenomenon of brain drain. These causes include a lack of employment opportunities, higher income, improved living standards, access to cutting-edge technology, and political conditions that are more stable in industrialized nations like the United States. The expansion of a nation's industrial sector is hampered when there is a shortage of skilled and educated workers, which in turn slows down the overall development of the country. The editorial viewpoint dives deeply into the subject of brain drain, discussing its causes, the repercussions of its disappearance, and the potential solutions to the problem. The perspective of the study emphasizes the significance of appropriate legislative actions as a means of combating the problem and transforming the loss of brainpower into an increase in wisdom. Management needs to take part in preventing the loss of intellectual capital to ensure sustained economic growth and development. To solve the issue, management may be able to assist in addressing it by engaging with the government and other stakeholders, investing in research and development, developing returnee programs, addressing sociocultural factors, and attracting and keeping competent workers. The unfortunate phenomenon of brain drain is something that Pakistani politicians, academics, and other individuals need to address quickly. Pakistan can achieve its long-term economic development goals by attracting and keeping brilliant individuals, as well as by minimizing the causes that lead to brain drain.</p> Muaaz Sayed Maryam Raja Sakeena Mehak Copyright (c) 2024 The Lighthouse Journal of Social Sciences 2024-07-06 2024-07-06 3 1 12 22 Analyzing the Phillips Curve in the Context of Population Growth in Pakistan <p>This study investigates the long-term link between unemployment and inflation trade-offs in the context of population and GDP growth rates in Pakistan, utilizing yearly time series data from 1980 to 2020 to assess the Phillips curve. Unemployment is the dependent variable in this study, whereas inflation, GDP growth rate, and population growth rate are independent factors. For the data analysis of the proposed model, the Johansen co-integration technique is used to analyze the long-run co-integration study. The findings of the co-integration analysis show that inflation and GDP growth rate have a significant and negative impact on unemployment, whereas the impact of population growth rate on unemployment is positive and significant, supporting the formulated hypothesis. The findings show that the government and policymakers may devise measures to enhance GDP growth, regulate inflation, and properly manage the country's population growth rate in order to reduce unemployment. Policymakers may establish an appropriate and efficient macroeconomic policy mix.</p> Sami Ullah Khalid Mehmood Mughal Ihsan Ullah Copyright (c) 2024 The Lighthouse Journal of Social Sciences 2024-07-06 2024-07-06 3 1 23 39 Geneva Accord 1988: Its Repercussions for Afghanistan and Pakistan <p><em>The Geneva Accord of 1988 marked a critical turning point in the Afghan conflict, bringing together the warring factions for negotiations that resulted in a comprehensive agreement. The accord outlined a series of provisions, including the withdrawal of Soviet forces from Afghanistan, the cessation of military aid to Afghan parties by external powers, the return of Afghan refugees, and a commitment to non-interference in Afghanistan's internal affairs. This historic agreement signaled the end of Soviet invasion in Afghanistan and raised hopes for a more stable and peaceful future for the war-torn country.</em><em> The aftermath of the Geneva Accord had significant implications for Afghanistan and Pakistan. The Soviet Union withdrew its troops from Afghanistan by February 15, 1989. Although it ended its direct military involvement in the conflict but the accord did not bring immediate peace to Afghanistan. Instead, it left a power vacuum and a deeply divided country, as various Mujahideen factions struggled for control of the Kabul government. The study aims to identify the loopholes in this historic accord which led to a superfluous civil war in Afghanistan.</em></p> Salman Anwar Zakir Ullah Tayyab Irfan Copyright (c) 2024 The Lighthouse Journal of Social Sciences 2024-07-06 2024-07-06 3 1 40 55 The Influence of Parenting Styles on Attachment Dynamics among Adult Couples <p>The purpose of the current study is to find out the correlation between parenting styles, adult’s current attachment in intimate partners. The data (N= 250) was collected from District Haripur by applying purposive sampling technique. Correlational research design was applied to the current study. For measuring the study purpose, 2 scales were used, the first one is the Experiences in Close Relationships-Relationship Structures (ECR-RS) for measuring current attachments of individuals, and the second scale was the Parenting Styles and Dimensions Questionnaire to check 3 basic parenting styles. The statistical techniques applied for findings were descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation, t-test, and Annova. Present study reveals there is a significant relationship between parenting style, attachment styles. Finding reveals that anxious anxiety was higher in female while male suffer more avoidance anxiety. This study finding was highly scope-able in clinical psychology, educational psychology, counseling psychology, and in social psychology.</p> Amna Bibi Bibi Asma Khatoon Nighat Altaf Syeda Javaria Bukhari Copyright (c) 2024 The Lighthouse Journal of Social Sciences 2024-07-06 2024-07-06 3 1 56 66 Global Culture of Cybersecurity: A Multi-vocal Literature Review Protocol <p>With the increasing use of technology and interconnected devices globally, the number of cyber-attacks has also grown exponentially. Technological countermeasures alone are insufficient to effectively control these attacks at an acceptable level. Despite advancements in technology, human errors and vulnerabilities continue to pose significant challenges in protecting digital assets worldwide. One of the most effective methods to mitigate cyber-attacks is to establish and nurture a culture of cybersecurity at the global, national, organizational, and group levels. While much research has been focused on organizational and national-level cybersecurity culture, the research pertaining to global cybersecurity culture is currently lacking and underexplored. This gap is evident in the limited academic literature addressing global cybersecurity culture. However, there is grey literature available from various regional and international organizations and cybersecurity forums, such as policy documents, reports, and white papers that provide valuable insights and practical perspectives. The primary objective of this research is to develop a protocol for conducting a comprehensive literature review to evaluate existing literature, both white and grey, and highlight advancements in the field of global cybersecurity culture and propose future directions. We are currently implementing this protocol.</p> Nisar Muahammad Siffat Ullah Khan Copyright (c) 2024 The Lighthouse Journal of Social Sciences 2024-07-06 2024-07-06 3 1 67 88 Comparison of Perceived Stigmatization, Social Avoidance and Self- Cconcept among male and female Vitiligo Patients <p>Vitiligo is a non-infectious skin disease characterized by white skin patches that are distinctive in size and shape caused by the loss of pigment cells in the skin. The disease is equally prevalent in both genders regardless of age, race, and ethnic groups. The disease does not cause any disability and pain on the part of the individual but gives rise to many psychological concerns like depression, anxiety, social avoidance, perceived stigmatization, low self-concept, and low self-esteem. The objective of the study was to assess the impact of perceived stigmatization and social avoidance on vitiligo patients and to analyze the stigmatization effect on self-concept. The effect of exposed and un-exposed patches of skin on self-concept was also an area of concern. A sample of N=100 (n=50 male and n=50 female) between ages 15 to 50 years suffering from vitiligo were selected from dermatology departments of different hospitals and the general population by using a purposive sampling technique. Perceived stigmatization scale, Social avoidance and distress scale, and Robson self-concept scales were administered to the selected sample. The results indicated that there exist no significant difference in perceived stigmatization and social avoidance among male and female vitiligo patients. The predictor stigmatization .091 is insignificant and has no significant effect on self-concept r 2=1.44. Also, there is no significant difference between the self-concept of individuals with vitiligo on exposed (M= 22.44 and SD = 6.25) and un-exposed body parts (M= 24.44 and SD= 5.29). It is concluded from the current study that both genders are the victim of stigmatization and social avoidance due to their disfigured appearance and the condition leaves a devastating impact on self-concept no matter whether the person has patches on exposed or un-exposed parts of the body.</p> Komal Naz Nazia Nawaz Copyright (c) 2024 The Lighthouse Journal of Social Sciences 2024-07-06 2024-07-06 3 1 89 102 A Comprehensive Exploration of Scientific Development under Akbar the Great (1556-1605) <p>The Akbar’s era marks a shift in Indian society with scientific progress and cultural advancement. The study aims to present the scientific and scholarly contributions made by Akbar's patrons, including Fatah ul Ullah Shirazi, Hakim Ali Gilani, Todar Mal, and others, as well as to discuss some significant scientific discoveries and advancements. This study utilize a combination of historical analysis and critical examination of primary and secondary sources to investigate the scientific contributions during Akbar’s era. The key findings of this study are as follows: Shirazi introduced essential mechanical devices like the volley gun, wagon mill hand cannon, traveling bath, and the <em>Tarikh-i-Ilahi</em> solar calendar, exemplifying the era's spirit of innovation. Alongside Shirazi, Hakim Abul Fateh Gilani, a royal physician and medical writer, translated significant works and developed important medicines like <em>Roghan-e-Deodar</em>, and Hakim Ali Gilani invented Hookah. Furthermore, Raja Todar Mal established a systematic land revenue system known as "Zabt," which was based on accurate land measurement and fixed taxation rates, to improve revenue collection efficiency and fairness across the empire. The study also revealed that Akbar encouraged the translation of scientific texts into Persian. some important translations were Sharh al Qanoon, (Commentary on Avicenna's book of canon of Medicine), Brahmaputra Sindhanta (astronomical text) and Mathematical works like <em>Tahrir al Majisti</em> and <em>Khulastul Hisab</em> etc fostering the exchange of knowledge. Examining the rich cultural heritage, architectural marvels, advancements in trade and commerce, and the flourishing of arts and sciences, the growth of the economy under Mughal patronage, this work undoubtedly dispels the myth that there were no scientific or technological advances during the Mughal era. This research also gives a way to conduct future research on different scientific developments Such as astronomy, medicine, physics mathematics paintings architectural heritage and advancement in technology under the Mughal dynasties.</p> Saqib Tariq Madeeha khan Hassan Shamraez Copyright (c) 2024 The Lighthouse Journal of Social Sciences 2024-07-06 2024-07-06 3 1 103 117 Impact of Hostel Life on the Academic Performance of Students <p><em>The purpose of the current study is to investigate the impact of hostel life on students' academic performance. The data (N=300), with balanced representation of both genders, was collected using a purposive sampling technique and quantitative research design from different hostels around Haripur city. Quantitative research design was applied to the current study. For measuring the study purpose, one scale was used: the Academic Performance Scale (APS), a 5-point Lickert scale with 8 items. Results show that hostel life negatively impacts the academic performance of intermediate compared to undergraduate students. Findings also indicate a mean difference in academic performance between male and female hostel students. Additionally, there is no significant difference between high and middle Socioeconomic Status (SES), while a low significance difference is observed with low SES. These study findings have significant implications for educational psychology and social psychology. Suggestions and limitations are provided for future research.</em></p> Wajeeha Bibi Amnaa Bibi Bibi Asma Khatoon Copyright (c) 2024 The Lighthouse Journal of Social Sciences 2024-07-06 2024-07-06 3 1 118 129