Lighthouse Journal of Social Sciences: Announcements2024-02-11T05:28:57+00:00Open Journal Systems<p><strong>HEC Recognized category "Y" Journal</strong></p> <p><strong>ISSN: 2959-1538</strong></p> <p>The Lighthouse Journal of Social Sciences is a bi-annual, multidisciplinary research journal that aims at publishing theoretical, analytical, and applied research in all areas of social sciences. The journal provides a forum where the researchers and scholars can disseminate, archive, and share their research work. In order to ensure the claims of the author and to provide a strong base of acceptance to the public across the globe, the journal offers a rigorous editorial and peer-review process. The journal seeks to provide a forum for interdisciplinary approaches and research traditions to scholars not only in Pakistan but also in all regions of the world. The journals accepts papers but not limited to the following areas:</p> <p><strong>Political Science, Pakistan Studies, Economics, History, Home Economics, Library Science, Sports/HPEs, Psychology, Management Scinces, Finance & Accounting, Islamic Studies, Philosophy, Sociology, Arts and Design</strong></p> <p> </p> <p> </p>