The Lighthouse Journal of Computational & Numerical Sciences
<p>The Lighthouse Journal of Computational & Numerical Sciences aims at publishing original research across all areas of formal sciences. The journal provides a forum where researchers and scholars can disseminate, archive, and navigate their research work. In order to ensure the claims of the author and to provide a strong base of acceptance to the public across the globe, the journal offers a rigorous editorial and peer-review process. The editorial board welcomes contributions reporting on theoretical, experimental, and computational investigations of formal sciences. The journal also welcomes research articles highlighting technology with conclusions that reveal the fundamental science-based mechanism and their wider implications. Papers that report only on optimizing current technologies are not appropriate for publication. LJCNS accepts/publishes research articles from the following areas:</p> <p><strong>Computer Science</strong></p> <p><strong>Statistics</strong></p> <p><strong>Mathematics</strong></p>en-USThe Lighthouse Journal of Computational & Numerical SciencesAn Optimized Active Monitoring Load Balancing (OAMLB) Algorithm using Cloud Analyst Tool in Cloud Computing
<p>Cloud-Computing (CC) is a quickly developing and extended technology that grant on request assistance to the users. Many organizations are embracing cloud technology as a consequence of its promising features like security, flexibility, efficiency, reasonable cost, scalability, freedom from backup plan etc. Cloud-Computing (CC) is growing rapidly, but it also faces some challenges, like reliability, resource allocation, data management, load balancing, fault tolerance, failure avoidance etc. Load balancing is one prominent research topic for researchers in the field of distributed computing. Many researchers proposed various techniques<br>and approaches for managing the users’ requests efficiently. The primary goal of this paper is to enhance the “Active_Monitoring_Load_Balancing (AMLB) Algorithm.” The major downside of the AMLB algorithm is that it does not check the capacity of virtual machine (VM), it only checks their status (available/busy); and assigns the load to the available virtual machine (VM) regardless of the load that is accomplished by the available VM. This led to the problem of over utilization of the available VM. The proposed technique/algorithm named as “Optimized Active Monitoring Load Balancing” (OAMLB) algorithm overcomes the drawback of existing one. The proposed algorithm is run and tested in cloud analyst using various cloud analyst parameters. The experiment and analysis of OAMLB shows that it has 61% improved performance in regard to both “response time” and “data center processing time” with comparison to “Round Robin” algorithm.</p>Mahnoor ImranAsmara Jadoon
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2023-02-232023-02-23101112Multilevel Modeling Approach for Assessing the Performance of Primary School Students
<p>Education is extremely important in today's society. The primary goal of<br>education, as well as educational institutions, is to improve a person's<br>physical, mental, and social well-being. The current study not only focuses<br>on the impact of basic education, but also investigates the factors that<br>influence students' and institutes' academic performance at various levels<br>using a statistical multilevel model. The purpose of this study was to<br>determine the academic performance of primary school pupils (especially<br>in the fourth and fifth grades) and their institutions in Peshawar. The<br>study's goals were to examine the performance of primary school children<br>in both private and public schools, as well as their gender and<br>socioeconomic background. The data was acquired using a crosssectional<br>data collection approach from 346 schools with a total of 2565<br>kids, 1259 of whom attended government primary schools and 1305 of<br>whom attended private primary schools. Female students made up 49.7%<br>of the sample, while male students made up 50.3 percent. The dependent<br>variable is the performance of elementary school students, which is<br>measured by their exam scores. The results of the study revealed that<br>gender had a substantial impact on outcomes, but parental support had no<br>bearing. The importance of parents' education and the availability of<br>tuition played a significant effect.</p>Qamruz ZamanMuhammad WaqasAbdurrahman SabirHimayat Ullah
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2023-02-232023-02-231011332Performance of Various Entropy Measures: Applications to Pareto and Truncated Pareto Distributions
<p>This study considers various entropy measures for Pareto distribution<br>and Truncated Pareto distribution, and also calculates the loss of<br>entropy when underlying distribution is truncated Pareto distribution<br>instead of Pareto distribution. The mathematical expression of entropy<br>measures was derived for Pareto and Truncated Pareto distribution.<br>Then the mathematical expression of relative loss was derived to check<br>the performance of various entropy measures. For Comparison purpose<br>the study considers a real data set available in the literature and find out<br>the maximum likelihood estimate for the parameters of Pareto<br>distribution. The results of the relative loss of entropy measures showed<br>that the natural phenomenon holds in Shannon, Awad, Renyi and Harvrd<br>& Charvat entropy measures for Pareto distribution, while in Awad et al.<br>and Arimoto’s it does not hold. Amongst the four entropy measures the<br>Shannon entropy measure is considered best because it gives us the<br>minimum loss of information if one considers Truncated Pareto<br>distribution instead of Pareto distribution.</p>Qamruz ZamanMuhammad BilalMuhammad IjazNisar Ullah
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2023-02-232023-02-231013358Exponential Ratio Type Estimators of Population Mean using Two Auxiliary variables under Non-response
<p>In this paper, we propose exponential ratio type estimators for<br>estimating the population mean of the study variable using<br>information on two auxiliary variables under the situations when<br>certain observations for some sampling units are missing. These<br>missing observations may either be in auxiliary or study<br>variables. The expressions for bias and mean square error of the<br>proposed estimators are obtained up to first order of<br>approximation using simple random sampling without<br>replacement (SRSWOR). Comparison of the proposed<br>exponential ratio type estimators with revised ratio estimators<br>are made both theoretically and through simulation studies. The<br>simulation study showed that proposed estimators are efficient<br>as compared to their competitor estimators.</p>Lakhkar KhanImad Khan
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2023-02-232023-02-231015975Hartly Ross Type Unbiased Estimator in Stratified Ranked Set Sampling Using Two Auxiliary Variables
<p>Ranked set sampling has gained much attention of the research in the<br>recent past due to its enhanced efficiency. In this article, we proposed<br>Hartly-Ross type unbiased estimator of the finite population mean using<br>two auxiliary variables in stratified ranked set sampling (SRSS). The<br>variance of the proposed unbiased estimator is derived up to first order of<br>approximation. Comparison among the proposed and competitor<br>estimators are made both theoretically and through rigorous simulation<br>study. It is observed that the newly suggested Hartly-Ross type estimator<br>is more efficient as compared to all the considered competitor estimators<br>under SRSS design.</p>Lakhkar KhanMuhammad Ali
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