Multilevel Modeling Approach for Assessing the Performance of Primary School Students
Statistics,, Multilevel Modelling, Variance, Gender, StudiesAbstract
Education is extremely important in today's society. The primary goal of
education, as well as educational institutions, is to improve a person's
physical, mental, and social well-being. The current study not only focuses
on the impact of basic education, but also investigates the factors that
influence students' and institutes' academic performance at various levels
using a statistical multilevel model. The purpose of this study was to
determine the academic performance of primary school pupils (especially
in the fourth and fifth grades) and their institutions in Peshawar. The
study's goals were to examine the performance of primary school children
in both private and public schools, as well as their gender and
socioeconomic background. The data was acquired using a crosssectional
data collection approach from 346 schools with a total of 2565
kids, 1259 of whom attended government primary schools and 1305 of
whom attended private primary schools. Female students made up 49.7%
of the sample, while male students made up 50.3 percent. The dependent
variable is the performance of elementary school students, which is
measured by their exam scores. The results of the study revealed that
gender had a substantial impact on outcomes, but parental support had no
bearing. The importance of parents' education and the availability of
tuition played a significant effect.